Yes. We currently offer Elementary Spanish I and II online on a regular basis. We may add additional online language courses over time. The online courses include all the components of traditional classroom instruction. Our online courses are asynchronous — you do not have to be be online at the same time as the other students. This may make the course easier to fit into your schedule. Some students may prefer online work; others may do better in traditional classes. But do not assume that the online version will be easier or require less work.
Be careful in registering for online courses. Those offered by other units of Rutgers may also be available in Webreg. If you take these, you may run into difficulties. Placement requirements, learning outcomes, textbooks, and methodologies may be different from those used in our Camden courses. If you have difficulties, you may find it more difficult to resolve them, because the Camden Foreign Languages Department has no control over courses offered from New Brunswick or Newark. Watch for the “50” school code that indicates a Camden course.
For online courses offered by colleges and universities other than Rutgers, then the usual rules for transient credit apply.
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